Popular Pink Acoustic Guitar

You might be surprised when your pre-teen girl begs for a pink acoustic guitar. Usually, guitars are asked by brooding teenage boys and not by little girls dressed up as princesses five years ago. There might be a temptation for you to initially observe if your daughter loses interest, or purchase an inexpensive guitar instead. Before you go ahead, there are pointers for you to seriously consider first.

It is a popular idea nowadays for a girl to want to play music and you should encourage this. This can be because of TV shows like Hannah Montana, who is a young girl pop star. There are good things and bad things about a girl wanting to be a star. As parents, you can use the desire your girl has for a pink acoustic guitar and turn it into a viable interest.

Playing guitar can be very beneficial for young women to have a creative outlet that can process their feelings. Unlike years before, the pressures and expectations nowadays on young people, especially young girls are greater. This may be social pressures, body image pressures, likewise early sexual and academic pressures too. The trend with girls, quite often with scary results, is to internalize pain or stress. With their privacy in mind, you can guide them into enjoying creative outlets such as playing a guitar and encouraging them into these types of releasing all forms of their emotions - whether they be bad, good or somewhere in between.

Even in the solitude of her own space your daughter can release her emotions in a creative way and express herself. And this can be a very good thing, as we all know as parents, the teenage years can be a bit hectic. Her guitar songs are hers alone, and she does not have to share them with anyone. Parents can gain insight into what their daughter is going through that she may not normally mention by encouraging her to perform, even if it is just for the family after dinner.

You need to keep a few things in mind when you make the decision to buy your daughter her first guitar, even a pin acoustic guitar. First, don’t be cheap. Ignore anything you can find in the toy section of the local discount store. Inexpensive guitars are really very hard to play, even for experienced guitarists. The smartest thing you can do is visit your local music store or better yet, one that is dedicated to guitars.

There are many quality guitars commercially available specifically for girls that are designed to have their tastes in mind. One of the most popular companies that create guitars specifically for girls is called Daisy Rock. Affectionately known as "The Girl Guitar Company" their line of products includes guitars with different shapes and designs like butterflies, hearts and stars. This line also has the popular pink acoustic guitar.